The Catacop
Every vehicle in your care has a trove of valuable metals waiting to be stolen from under it and sold on the black market. Catalytic converter theft is on the rise, and theft gangs are becoming organized.
Protect your fleet with the world's most advanced catalytic converter anti-theft system.
See It In Action
Theft 2019-2023
Know The Risks
Equipment left on-site experiences one of the highest rates of theft. The Catacop keeps watch on heavy machinery, even nights and weekends.
Schedules are tight and time is money. Spend less time filing theft reports and repairing exhaust lines with a one-time install of the Catacop on your vehicles.
Keep civil service timely and the municipality crime-free. Have your Sherif's department evaluate if Catacop on municipal vehicles could save your township valuable resources.
Who we are
We design and manufacture technical solutions for mechanical equipment made in the USA. Whether it's for your company, your city, or just your family, we want to keep everyone a bit safer.